Adventures in Stone: Art in a Foreign Country – Sept/Oct 2000

I have enjoyed art in foreign places; I’ve been in awe of Michelangelo’s ‘David’, admired Rodin’s ‘The Thinker’ and stood perplexed at Moore’s ‘The Archer’ in front of city hall in Toronto, Ontario. As a young person growing up there, I heard the great debate over Moore’s “art”. It was condemned by many and lauded by a few, but […]

Basing for Dummies, An Easy Alternative to the Stone Problem – Sept/Oct 2000

One of the problems I have faced as a “mostly hand tool, hobby sculptor” is dealing with bases. I took Joanne Duby’s workshops at the Camp Brotherhood Symposium, learned her techniques, and then wasn’t able to implement them myself when I got home. It was frustrating. I simply don’t have the drills, diamond blades, power tools and stone […]

The Sculpture Scene n Bellingham – Sept/Oct 2000

As part of the Bellingham 2000 project, Ward Lynch and Janet Brown set up a week-long “Sculptors at Work” event in August at Maritime Heritage Park in Bellingham. The media were limestone, fabricated metal and wood. The three artists who were chosen had demonstrated not only their creative abilities, but that they would enjoy interacting with the public and be able to instruct and […]

A Day With Alfonso – Sept/Oct 2000

It was one of those perfect summer days. I had been looking forward to this day since the Camp Brotherhood auction where I had joined with Arliss Newcomb, Brian Berman, Dennis Joram, Ken Barnes and Sondra Nice to bid for a day of instruction with Alfonso Rodriguez. (Alfonso had been one of the instructors at Camp Brotherhood this year and had donated, among many other […]

Camp B 2000 – Sept/Oct 2000

Through the years, we all have wondered what life would be like in the year 2000. A fitting beginning to a new century, this year’s Camp Brotherhood Symposium offered the wonder-filled balance of insight and technique which we have all come to expect from this gathering. Held from June 14-23 at Camp Brotherhood in Mt. Vernon, WA, this was the most-attended symposium yet. This […]

The Spirit of Camp B Lives On! – Sept/Oct 2000

The spirit of Camp Brotherhood is more than an event or a place — we found that it will exist wherever several carvers gather to work, share thoughts, and break bread. While the face carving master class was a great success, there are many other chances to get together to collaborate. Perhaps some of you can think of […]

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