President’s Message – March/Apr 2000

Since there was no board meeting in February to inspire the president’s message, I thought that I would take this opportunity to share my recent experiences with technological communication. In the process of trying to get a handle on our organization, I found that communication with our widespread membership is immensely enhanced by many modern marvels. I’m not quite as steeped […]

They All Laughed at Ford and His Lizzie – Jan/Feb 2000

It is my turn to bore all of you with yet another millennium musing. I figure I have just as much overall insight as anyone else – I can be as subjective as the next guy. This won’t be a list. I gave up the list idea after reading Newsweek. In their top 50 people of the last M they included Madonna (the […]

Living with Sculpture – Jan/Feb 2000

  I am so glad I was able to take the time to go see a beautifully crafted sculpture show. After following a wandering suburban road around and around, my partner, Mike, and I came upon a long driveway with a striking piece of sculpture by Mark Heisel at its entrance. “This must be the place!” Mike said. Sure enough all along the […]

Kirk McLean – Artist Spotlight (2000)

Kirk lives on 10 wooded acres in the Arlington, WA, area with wife, Judy Burnett, and two joyous golden retrievers who made sure I noticed them. They built the super insulated, energy efficient solar house and studio, so Kirk was able to design to his needs. He says, “Since we moved to the property, my day job has been taking care […]

President’s Message – Jan/Feb 2000

I would like to wish you all a wonderful new millennium of stone sculpting and artistic fulfillment. On behalf of everyone, I would like to thank Kirk McLean for his last two years of service as President, and his continuation as board member for the coming year. I would also like to welcome our new board members: June Bloye, […]

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