Going Once, Going Twice… – July/Aug 1999

AUCTION! The very sound of the word conjures up thoughts and memories of exciting times. Coupled with a group of stone sculptors composed of both longtime friends and newcomers, and their various idiosyncrasies, a wonderful, exciting, and hilarious event occurs. Steve Sandry and Brian Berman shared auctioneer duties, assisted by various spotters to identify bidders’ […]

Ruth Mueseler: Putting Her Heart Into Her Work – July/Aug 1999

Ruth Mueseler, NWSSA member from Bellingham, Washington, has won the commission to create a Children’s Memorial. The monument will provide the kind of solace grieving mothers need in dealing with the loss of their children. Ruth’s proposal consists of a ring of five slabs of green shale surrounding a white-granite woman, prostate on the ground. […]

Symposium Reflections: Camp Brotherhood 1999 – July/Aug 1999

What is your overall impression of the symposium? Carol Kitchel, Boston, Massachusetts, first- time attendee I have never seemed to have trouble trying new things, but a few weeks before coming here, I was having second thoughts. Do I belong with all those people attending the symposium? Am I good enough? Luckily my connection to […]

Michael Binkley – Artist Spotlight (1999)

The following is an interview with Canadian sculptor Michael Binkley of Vancouver, British Columbia. Here he responds to an interview questionnaire. Tell us about your life history related to being an artist. Why did you become an artist? I was born in Toronto, Ontario in 1960, and my father’s company moved us to Vancouver, BC […]

Camp Brotherhood: A Word from the Director – July/Aug 1999

I would like to thank everyone who attended the Camp Brotherhood Symposium in July. Much effort was made over thousands of miles, but none greater than the instructors who gave of their time, skills, and professional trade secrets!!! Mark your calendars for July 13-23, 2000, for another great time “on the field”. If you have […]

President’s Message – July/Aug 1999

Somewhat to my surprise, my email response to Lee Gass’s request for ideas about art and travels was magically transformed into an article that appears elsewhere in the newsletter. (I’ve got to get Lee working on my sculptures. I’d definitely get many more done.)   There’s another journey I’ll be taking next week: all of […]

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