1999 Flower & Garden Show — March/April 1999

Our Educational Booth at the Northwest Flower and Garden show was a little different this year. As the co-ordinator, 1 thought it would nice to integrate the display with sculpture from not only the old-timers, but also the beginners. Joyce Tayor, Vic Picou, Sabah Al-Dhaher and Nicky Oberholtzer represented the old-timers. John Dunton, Wakey Nelson, Bob Olander and Georg Robinson were our newest treasures ( in the show. Now 1 know some of you are saying that George is not new but how many of you have seen any his pieces?

Wakey Nelson, who is currently a student of Reg Akright, showed the piece she did. Expect good things from her. I think, perhaps, she might be one of our youngest members too.


The booth was rnore open this year with less plants, but rnore room visitors to approach the sculpture don’t know how rnany tirnes I adult faces light up when 1 told them that not only do we let people touch the sculpture, but that we encourage itl They were like kids that had been handed candyl

Our sculptures and the infor about our group were well received and people flocked to our booth questions and interest. We wil ing rnany new people at the symposium this year as a result. Our growth in membership should also reflect interest in stone sculpture currently being shown by the the public. As a result of the educational booth being so well received, we have been offered two 8′ x 16′ vignettes on the main floor. This space is in the main entrance hall and all the visitors will have to pass it to get to the big gardens!


As a result of all the hours of planning, assembling and sharing our art form, we have also made numerous contacts that will help to spread the news of our organization and our members in the communities throughout Washington. Good show! Thanks to all who participated and helped!

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