Nicky Oberholtzer – Artist Spotlight (1998)

The following is an interview with Nicky Oberholtzer. Nicky has been a NWSSA member since 1990 and has been an instructor at the Whidbey Retreat and Camp Brotherhood Symposium. She is a graduate of Seattle Pacific University. I visited her at her home in Seattle. She did not have a photo of herself available for […]
Silver Falls Symposium: And the Band Played On – July/Aug 1998

Well, it’s over. Silver Falls for 1998 has come to a close. You can only tell we’ve been there by the silvery afterglow of creation shimmering in the moonlight. (And maybe a few mud holes reminiscent of a feedlot). From the ankles up, it was an unqualified success! From the ankles down, it was soggy, […]
On Site at Camp Brotherhood ’98 – July/Aug 1998

At the Camp Brotherhood Symposium in Jnly 1998, interviews were done by Becky Kosowski, Steve Sandry, Arliss Newcomb, and Nancy Green. Becky Kosowski spoke to Vic Picou and Lee Gass, who attended the very first NWSSA Symposium in 1987. “About 30 scnlptors from Canada and the US participated in the first symposium held at […]
President’s Message – July/Aug 1998
I’m writing this in the early morning at Camp Brotherhood. Around the coffeepot, sculptors have gathered in their ongoing study of whether caffeine replaces sleep. The pace is picking up and soon laughing people swapping stories about stones, tools, ideas and visions will surround me. Then we’ll be off to the field to the roar […]