Making a Clay Maquette – and Selling it Too! – May/June 1998

It will be my great pleasure to share some tricks I’ve learned over the years to sketch and sculpt the human form in clay, wax or plastilina. Quick sketches, careful measurements and plastic sculpting mediums help us get the most out of our time with a live model… and provide inspiration for later pieces. One […]
Art Business Basics 101: You’re an Artist, but Are you a Business? – May/June 1998

New Mexico is called “The Land of Enchantment.” I feel our studios can claim the same title. (enchant In-’chant\: Bewitch: to attract and move deeply). However, there’s also a practical side to our work if we want to make it successful. My research [or this column is coming to you in two parts: PROMOTING IT, […]
President’s Message – May/June 1998

Ah, spring, when thoughts turn to beginning a new sculpture. The NWSSA governance structure has also been going through some spring changes. We’ve increased the number of Directors by three and appointed new members who began serving at the April Board meeting. Their appointments run to the end of this year, at which time the […]