Sculptural Portrait

During the last five years, I have been creating my favorite type of sculpture–round and relief sculptural portraits. There were portraits of living people (Dr. Denton Rossell, Dr. Eugene Natkin, Cindy Growford, Elaina Mason) and people who lived in the past (attorney George Powell, Abraham J. Heschel, Sig­mund Freud, Aristotle, Thomas Jefferson, Princess Diana), and […]

A Function of Design: Proportion – March/Apr 1998

I was asked by our editor, Barbara Lynch, to discuss the “Golden Mean,” a proportional function of designing a work of art. Balance, rhythm, and contrast, according to the textbooks on design, are also functions of design, and they all work together. The Golden Mean is an historical theory proposed as a basis for satisfying […]

President’s Message – March/Apr 1998

We can tell that the seasons are changing in the Pacific Northwest when we first hear one of the traditional sounds of spring–the sighs of relief from stone sculptors who work outdoors as they shed one of their yers of clothing and look forward to not having to op to warm their hands every few […]

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