Sculpture as an Art – July/Aug 1997

During my affiliation with Northwest Stone Sculptors Association, I have been asked various questions by several memhers about the concept of sculpture and the sculPting process. I decided to answer some of these questions to the best of my knowledge in our newsletter. First let’s identify the meaning of sculpture itself. The word “sculpture” comes […]

Nancy Green – Artist Spotlight (1997)

The following is an intenriew with sculptor Nancy Green. Nancy has been a NWSSA member since 1992 and is currently membership chairman. She has been a teacher, artist, sculptor, and mother. Although “retired” from fulltime work, she has a fulltime schedule with her art work and assistance to NWSSA. I visited her at her home […]

The Stone Corner – Slate – July/Aug 1997

Slate is a rather mundane, common stone that we remember from our school days. Recall those days when the teacher asked you to do your math problem on the blackboard (slate, in the olde days) and the dog had eaten your homework. Perhaps you could have pulled out your carving tools, turning it into an […]

President’s Message – July/Aug 1997

It’s Tuesday, the 22nd of July, and I’m sitting in the tree-surrounded amphitheater at Camp Brotherhood listening to the sounds of our Tenth Annual Symposium. The purposeful whir and scream of grinders and saws blend with the rhythmical cadence of hammer and chisel at this distance from the work field. The auditory composition is complex, […]

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